Details of Armour
These are some quick shots of the insides and details of a few of the pieces of
armour in the collection. Each of these shows some interesting construction details.
Click an image to see a larger view of it.
Inside of a c. 1600 munition breastplate. This is a relatively thin breastplate for the time. Probably no more than sword-proof. It shows relatively small, even tool marks with a small radius.
Detail of the outside of a c. 1600 munition breastplate. Shows the relatively smooth outer surface and file marks at the edges of the rolls.
Detail of the outside of a c. 1590 black and white backplate showing the recessed bands. They appear to be clean and crisply made.
Detail of the inside of a c. 1590 black and white backplate showing the recessed bands at the upper edge and in the center. The recesses are not nearly as neat on the inside. The marks are like those I have produced
when hammering from the outside over a stake.
Detail of the inside of a c. 1590 black and white backplate showing one of the side recessed bands. Again, not as nice on the inside as the outside. The center crease of the
recessed band is very crude. It may have been made by a blunted chisel from the inside.
Detail of the inside of a c. 1590 black and white breastplate showing the recessed bands and gusset. These marks are more aggressive than those on the
backplate. The metal is much thicker.
Detail of the inside of a c. 1590 black and white breastplate showing the recessed bands and gusset. It also shows the assembly marks on the breast and matching one on the gusset. The upper rivet and
washer on the gusset are obviously modern.
Detail of the inside of a c. 1600 heavy shot proof breastplate. It is hard to get a lot of detail from this, but the
inside surface is very rough. The tool used on the inside did not match the desired profile very closely.
Detail of the inside of a c. 1600 one piece morion.
Detail of the inside of a c. 1600 one piece morion showing a patch from the inside. This is most likely a working life repair.
Detail of the outside of a c. 1600 one piece morion showing a patch from the outside
View of the inside of another c. 1600 one piece morion.
Detail of the inside of a c. 1600 black and white two piece morion