Allen Antiques

German Greave plate (front) - A-38-grey German Greave plate (front) - A-38-inside German Greave plate (front) - A-38-outside German Greave plate (front) - A-38 German Greave plate (front) - Philly-etching-1977.167.109

German Greave plate (front) late 16th cent

Originally part of a complete cased greave. Designed to be worn with a full legharness and mail sabatons. Greave has good shape and terminates at the ankle where it has a rolled edge and a series of small holes for the attachment of the mail sabaton. The turning hook used to secure it to the lower plate of the poleyn remains. There is a brass collection tag with the number c. 27, and a paper one with the number c. 57. This was originally a very nice piece - it has a wide etched bands of decoration at the center and narrow bands at each edge. There are remnants of gilt in the etching. This style of greave built for use with a mail sabaton was often used in Italy. The style of etching is associated with Augsburg Germany. The pattern of the central band and the edges is nearly identical to the pattern on pieces of a surviving garniture with etching attriuted to Jorg Sorg the younger. Parts of this garniture survive in the Philadelphia Museum of Art (1977.167.109a-n), Metropolitan Museum of Art (04.3.278) and the Musee de l'Armee (K.Po.2341). In that case there are additional tulip heads issuing into the plain areas from the bands. This would definitely not be part of that garniture, but it is quite likely by the same etcher. The picture of the breastplate is of the piece in the Philadelphia Museum of Art. It illustrates the likely appearance of the etching when it was new. The etched decoration is app. 1/2' wide at the sides. The central band tapers from app. 2 1/8' to 1 1/2'.

Height 12 in. at the center crease, 4 1/2' wide at the calf, 3' wide at the ankle.

Varies between .018' and .036' thick. It is generally thicker near the ankle and thinner at the calf.


If you have any questions, please send them to Wade Allen

This site last updated Tue Oct 01 17:46:23 EDT 2024