Allen Antiques

Munions - A-363-a Munions - A-363-a-angle Munions - A-363-a-side Munions - A-363-a-back Munions - A-363-a-first-assembly-on-Wade Munions - A-363 Munions - A-363-gorget-interior-pre-assembly Munions - A-363-right-shoulder-outside Munions - A-363-right-shoulder-inside Munions - A-363-right-shoulder-buckle Munions - A-363-left-shoulder-outside Munions - A-363-left-shoulder-inside Munions - A-363-A-364

Munions early 17th c.

Gorget of single plate front and back rising to an integral collar. Top of collar with plain inward turned roll. Front plate with central crease and extending to a blunt point. Rear formed to the neck and shoulders. Plates connected by a pivoting rivet on the left and button engaging a keyhole on the right. Two apparent but currently unidentified marks, one on each side of the crease near the point. The one on the right appears to be a shield, the one on the left is smaller. Shoulders of 6 plates. Formed to the shoulder and arm with central crease. Upper plate narrow and flat, second dished more than the rest to form the shoulder transition. Terminal plates fitted to the elbow and with a plain inward turned roll at the edge. Plates secured by sliding rivets at the back and leathers at the center and front. Leathers aging and cracked in some places. Each shoulder terminal plate with a buckle with iron mounting plate at the front. The mounting plates with rounded ends and stamped with a line of decoration parallel to the edge. Right side of the front gorget plate with a T shaped hole to secure the front of the right shoulder. Mounts on the shoulders. These are often added or replaced. They can be made to keep the cuirass shoulder straps in place or to secure shoulders. These appear to be the first style. The mounting plates securing the pegs and securing them to the gorget match the buckle mounting plates.

When purchased the shoulders had separated from the gorget due to broken leathers. The rivets on the gorget and top shoulder plates were removed and the shoulders secured to the gorget with new (short) leathers. The pictures show the first re-assembly where the leathers are secured by bolts.

The form of the gorget is very similar to item number A-292.


If you have any questions, please send them to Wade Allen

This site last updated Fri Nov 15 14:39:44 EST 2024