Allen Antiques

Pair of Tassets - A-348-d-front Pair of Tassets - A-348-d-inside Pair of Tassets - A-348-breast-and-back

Pair of Tassets 1580-1600

Consisting of six horizontal plates. Plates secured by rivets front and back and a (lost) central internal leather. Lower edge with a plain inward turned roll. Sides with simple bump simulating a roll. Top plates with three buckles (replaced) for suspension from the breastplate. Black rough from the hammer finish (refreshed with paint). Marked internally '14' matching the back and breast.

Thickness: Overall varies between .025 and .060 in. A closer analysis of each plate of the left tasset starting from the top shows: .042-.060 (little real pattern), .025-.045, .028-.055 (thicker at the outer side), .034-.055 (thicker at the outer side), .043-.060 (thicker at the outer side) and .026-032 on the terminal lame.


If you have any questions, please send them to Wade Allen

This site last updated Wed Aug 28 11:23:12 EDT 2024