Spaulder 1600
Interesting atypical form. Formed of one large plate with seven lower plates undrlapping each other. Bottom plate somewhat taller. Plates taper aggressively from the wide form at the top of the shoulder to the narrow form at the bottom where it would fit around the arm. The natural form (even with the compressed leathers) curves forward. The upper front extends out to allow the piece to fit over the breastplate. Front of the bottom plate with a buckle of oval form secured by a simple external iron plate mount (most of tongue missing). Rosette washer at the back where the corresponding strap would have been secured. Upper and lower edges with inward turned rolls. Front and rear with simple bumps. Secured internally by three leathers. Rivets around the top and bottom edges to secure a leather strip. Iron rivets with dapped copper alloy caps on the exterior. Edges where the plates overlap decorated with a single incised line. Rough from the hammer. Good old black finish. Center leather broken in the top two lames.
Weight 2 pounds 12.2 ounces (1340g).
Thickness: significant variability. Much of the top lame is .070 inch (generally varying from .068 to .072). Bottom lame generally .050 inch. Where measurements were easy, intermediate lames generally .040-.050. In most places below the main lame the overlaps defined by the current (likely working life) leathers are such that more than 3/4 of many of the area covered by the intermediate lames is covered in two layers of steel. Additional bend is provided at the 3rd lame from the top which has significantly less overlap in the back, which helps to provide the forward cast to the shape of the shoulder.
If you have any questions, please send them to Wade Allen
This site last updated Thu May 18 15:34:03 EDT 2023