Allen Antiques

Tasset end plate - A-334-side Tasset end plate - A-334-other-side Tasset end plate - A-334-inside Tasset end plate - A-334-top Tasset end plate - A-334 Tasset end plate - A-334-a

Tasset end plate 1490-1510

Terminal lame of a right tasset. Decorated with Wolf's Tooth embossing. The teeth are lightly embossed and each side is accented with an engraved line. This was a relatively short lived style of decoration seen on some German armour at the end of the 15th and early 16th c. The bottom edge of the plate with a narrow and shallow bump simulating a roll. A line of replaced lining rivets along the lower edge and holes at the outside for the sliding rivet and at the center and inside for leathers. Heavily corroded. The piece appears to have been acid cleaned during the 20th century, this leaves the grey dull finish seen here. The plate appears to be somewhat deformed - the medial side is straighter than it would have been originally.


If you have any questions, please send them to Wade Allen

This site last updated Wed Feb 23 17:05:23 EST 2022