Burgonet 1580
Tall form with nice stalk. Integral brim and tail. Surface rough from the hammer. Edge of brim and tail with nice inward turned roped rolls bordered by a narrow recess. Sides engraved with stylized Fleur de Lys. Point and brim with additional fleur decoration. Sides with small cheek plates wth rolled and recessed borders (restored). Skull with line of copper alloy capped iron rivets at the brim and tail for securing a lining strap. Small copper alloy plume holder at the back. A nice example of an interesting form of burgonet. The Poldi Pezzoli museum has several of these (numbers 71-92 in the catalogue Armi e armature Museo Poldi Pezzoli of which two are illustrated on page 35).
If you have any questions, please send them to Wade Allen
This site last updated Mon Dec 27 11:29:14 EST 2021