German Burgonet late 16th century
Skull with low comb which sweeps up from the bowl, integral brim, single tail lame and cheek plates on each side. Cheek plates secured to the bowl by hinges, the bottom edge flared to extend the line of the tail. Border of the brim, tail lame and bottom edge of the cheek plates with small, round, internally turned roll. The shape of the bowl and comb points to a late 16th c. origin and manufacture in Augsburg. This shape is similar to the distinctive skulls found on Augsburg armors, particularly famous from the works of Anton Peffenhauser. Most of the burgonets which survive have a hard change of line between the skull and comb. Retains old lining. Overall finish rough from the hammer - the helmet was shaped and plannished with a hammer to its final shape, but it was never ground to eliminate the hammer marks. There are signs that it was then left 'black' - the oxidation from heating the helmet during its construction was not removed - and then probably painted. It was cleaned such that much of the oxidation and any original paint have been removed. Reblackened to restore the original look with paint. The lining is attached to two strips of leather which are riveted to the bowl of the helmet above the face and at the neck (these lines of rivets can be seen in the picture). This would originally have been the type of helmet that was kept in an arsenal and issued to soldiers. Unlike the highest quality custom burgonets, the cheek plates were not originally lined. One of the cheek plates is associated. This plate was originally polished. Linings remaining in armour are very rare.
If you have any questions, please send them to Wade Allen
This site last updated Fri Nov 10 18:14:07 EST 2023