Burgonet 1570
One piece skull with medium height roped comb. The surface rough from the hammer. Comb, a narrow band on the skull, neck line and recessed borders and rolls polished bright. Separate neck lame and pivoted brim. Cheek plates, brim, and neck lame with recessed border and inward turned roped roll. Skull marked with Nuremberg touch mark. Cleaned. Delaminations in various places, esp. in the upper part of the brim. The skull just above and behind the location of the right hinge has a working life internal patch and some additional stabiizing rivets. This area seems to have often caused problems with delamination. One cheek plate associated and partially re-worked.
Measurements: Weight 3 pounds 4.8 ounces (1500g). Thickness of the skull varies .025-.06 in. generally .035 -.045 in. Thicker at the back and near the hinges.
If you have any questions, please send them to Wade Allen
This site last updated Mon Dec 27 11:29:14 EST 2021