Allen Antiques

Burgonet - A-277-main Burgonet - A-277-a Burgonet - A-277-back-angle Burgonet - A-277-front-angle Burgonet - A-277-front Burgonet - A-277-seam Burgonet - A-277-top Burgonet - A-277-back-a Burgonet - A-277-front-angle-2 Burgonet - A-277-front-lower Burgonet - A-277-other-side-a Burgonet - A-277-side Burgonet - A-277

Burgonet 1600

South German. Two piece skull with high comb and integral peak and neck. A pair of small cheek plates. The two halves of the skull joined by a roll at the top of the comb and simple overlaps in the peak and neck. Rough from the hammer. Lining rivets at the face and neck lines. The lining rivets with embossed decorated brass washers. This is comparable in construction and style to A-105, but that was originally a much nicer piece. This is the munition version of that. A similar burgonet is illustrated in plate 52 in Musee De L'Armee Paris - Les Armes Et La Vie - Dargaud Editeur 1982. It is described as c. 1550, but that seems early.


If you have any questions, please send them to Wade Allen

This site last updated Mon Dec 27 11:29:14 EST 2021