Allen Antiques

Burgonet - A-273-side Burgonet - A-273-another-angle Burgonet - A-273-back-angle Burgonet - A-273-back-angle2 Burgonet - A-273-back Burgonet - A-273-c Burgonet - A-273-side-angle Burgonet - A-273

Burgonet 1600

South German, probably Augsburg. One piece skull with high comb and integral peak and (atypically) neck flare and a pair of cheek plates. Inward turns at the edge of the peak, neck and lower edge of the cheek plates. The face edge of the cheek plates with a simple raised edge. Each cheek pierced with 5 holes at the center. Retains lining rivets at the face and neck. Rough from the hammer. One large hole in the back of the crest and an H pattern of smaller holes above the neck in the skull. The larger hole likely from how the piece was mounted in a display. Purpose of the smaller holes unknown. Retains blackened finish refreshed with paint. The integral neck flare is very unusual. It is present on some higher end burgonets often ascribed to an Augsburg origin, but generally the shape is more sweeping and less similar to the form of the burgonets with a neck lame.


If you have any questions, please send them to Wade Allen

This site last updated Mon Dec 27 11:29:14 EST 2021