Allen Antiques

Terminal Fauld Lame - A-230 Terminal Fauld Lame - A-230-233 Terminal Fauld Lame - A-230-a Terminal Fauld Lame - A-230-holes

Terminal Fauld Lame 1560-70

Brunswick. Of plain form with inward roped border at the bottom rising in a low arch at the center. Pairs of holes at the top to secure tasset leathers and two holes at the center for an interior leather. The top with keyhole slots to allow it to be secured to and detached from a shorter fauld likely of one lame. Ex. Brunswick Ducal Armoury, Wolfenbuttel. Schloss Marienburg.


If you have any questions, please send them to Wade Allen

This site last updated Fri Dec 31 13:07:53 EST 2021