Allen Antiques

Tassets - A-218-breastAndTassets Tassets - A-218-insideRightTasset

Tassets 1590

German. Nuremberg. Knee length formed of seven plates which continue the recessed bands from the fauld at the center. There are raised bands on the inside edge continuing the central band from the fauld. The lower edge of the tassets is bordered by a recessed border and a tapered, inward turned and roped roll. Plates secured by sliding rivets at the outside and leathers at the inside and center. The tassets are secured to the fauld by later hinged metal mounts. There are signs of holes for earlier straps and buckles on each side and the center of the tassets with matching holes in the terminal fauld lame.

Measurements: 15 inches long, generally .050 thick, some spots thinner.


If you have any questions, please send them to Wade Allen

This site last updated Sun Dec 01 18:40:44 EST 2024