Allen Antiques

Backplate - A-218-back Backplate - A-218-back-side Backplate - A-218-back-inside-upper Backplate - A-218-back-mark

Backplate 1590

German. Nuremberg. The backplate is formed of 3 pieces and a separate culet plate. It appears to match the breastplate in form, decoration, mark, size and shape. The recessed bands on the sides have a crease at the center, the central band is flat. The bottom edge of the culet plate is cusped at the center. The main three plates of the backplate are certainly original and appear to have formed a cuirass with the breastplate. The culet lame may be later and the interior waist lame that joins them appears to be modern.

Measurements (in inches):

11 1/2 wide at the top, 12 wide at the center of the armhole (vertically). Thickness .050-.080, generally thicker at the waist and thinning toward the top. Side plates .040-050, mostly 040-045.


If you have any questions, please send them to Wade Allen

This site last updated Sun Dec 01 18:40:44 EST 2024