Allen Antiques

Arm Harness with Pauldron - A-163 Arm Harness with Pauldron - A-163-front Arm Harness with Pauldron - A-163-back Arm Harness with Pauldron - A-163-straight Arm Harness with Pauldron - A-163-front-straight Arm Harness with Pauldron - A-163-a-front Arm Harness with Pauldron - A-163-a-side Arm Harness with Pauldron - A-163-a-back Arm Harness with Pauldron - A-163-a-inside

Arm Harness with Pauldron 1550

Composed of a pauldron extending to the elbow, a floating cop and a closed vambrace. The pauldron formed of a large plate above and 4 small plates below the main plate. The top plate articulated on rivets, the bottom ones secured by sliding rivets at the back and leathers in the center and front. The upper, front and back edges of the large pauldron plates with inward turned roped rolls and a recessed border. The inner half of the lowest plate with an inward turned and roped roll. The cop open at the back (not a full bracelet) with inward turned, roped turns at the edges. The turns are accompanied by a recessed border on the wing. The center of the cop with a raised roped ridge. The vambrace of two pieces secured by two leather strips at the back and a pin at the front. Inward turned roped rolls at the wrist and the inside of the upper edge at the elbow. Decorative rosettes on the pauldron and elbow. In uncleaned condition from an English household identified as "Property of a Nobleman". Later research indicates that this household is Helmingham Hall in Suffolk. Painted internally with the number 53 in red paint. This identifies it as one of the pair numbered 53 and 54 from the 1920 inventory of the armoury where they are dated to 1550. It's mate in the inventory is item number A-166.


If you have any questions, please send them to Wade Allen

This site last updated Mon Nov 25 19:55:47 EST 2024