Allen Antiques

Tasset end plate - A-150 Tasset end plate - A-150-side Tasset end plate - A-150-a-front Tasset end plate - A-150-a-side-a Tasset end plate - A-150-a-side-b Tasset end plate - A-150-b-angle Tasset end plate - PhilippIIElbowDetail Tasset end plate - CharlesVFireSteel Tasset end plate - CharlesVFireSteel2

Tasset end plate 1530-1560

Single plate. Inward turned roll around the bottom edge extending up the sides. 2 keyhole slots at the top for attachment to the upper tasset plates. Embossed and recessed decoration with etching. Recessed border around the edge with etching. Central band of etching. Purportedly from the Madrid Real Armeria after the Spanish Civil War (according to the seller), also attributed possibly to the Lisbon armoury. The decoration on each side is a firesteel and stone creating fire. This symbol is associated with the Order of the Golden Fleece.

A slightly different form of the same image appears on the elbow wings of an armour for Philipp II of Spain that was made in 1544 by Desiderius Helmschmid (A 547 in the KHM). Another set of firesteels are found on elements of armor for Charles V in the Real Armeria in Madrid attributed to Kolman Helmschmid, Augsburg 1531 (A.108-A-111). These are very similar to the firesteels on the present piece, but the etching in the borders are not the same.

Exhibited: Feb. 10 2023-Feb. 29 2024 Orange County Historical Museum Hillsborough NC


If you have any questions, please send them to Wade Allen

This site last updated Wed Aug 14 15:01:18 EDT 2024