Right Arm 1620
Right arm. Purchased together with item number A-137. Both composed of upper cannon with turning collar, bracelet cop secured by 2 lames above and 2 lames below, lower cannon formed of 2 plates secured by an inset internal hinge at the back and pin engaging a hole at the front. In general plates with engraved line decoration. Rolls at the wrist, inner elbow and on the wing of the cop. Turner on the upper canon with rivets and holes that would have secured it directly to the pauldron. Lower canon of the vambrace likely associated. Similar in form and style to the arms on a 3/4 armour on display in the Cleveland Museum of Art on loan from the RA Inv. II 98/IV.863 38.2008.
Weight: left 2 pounds 8 ounces (1,135 g).
If you have any questions, please send them to Wade Allen
This site last updated Tue Nov 29 15:09:38 EST 2022