Allen Antiques

Burgonet - A-133 Burgonet - A-133a Burgonet - A-133-lining

Burgonet mid 16th century

One piece skull with four creases rising to a tall point at the center. Bluntly pointed peak formed as part of the bowl. The skull retains its original blackened finish and padded lining. Originally formed with white bands at the creases and on the brim, later (during its working life) to overall rough from the hammer and blackened. Likely at this same time the tail lame was replaced by the current tail. Cheek plates modern replacements. Lining attached to leather strips secured by a line of rivets above the brim and tail. Quilted lining of 2 layers stuffed with fibre. Each layer formed in 2 halves with a central seam front to back.


If you have any questions, please send them to Wade Allen

This site last updated Mon Dec 27 11:29:14 EST 2021