South German Armour Parts 1550-60
Pauldrons, fauld and tassets. All matching. Rolled and roped borders with parallel pairs of raised lines as border. Pauldrons of 6 upward-lapping lames in a particularly German fashion normally associated with Augsburg. Pauldron plates attached by leathers at most points. Fauld of 3 lames with sliding rivets and internal leathers including an edge leather for lining. Fauld with central crease and parallel lines at the ends of the plates. Center of bottom plate arched slightly with rolled and roped border. Matching tassets of 5 lames connected by sliding rivets at the outer edge and internal leathers at the center and inside. Tassets suspended from the fauld by 3 buckles each. Buckles with filed decoration. Rolled edges on the inside and bottom of the tasset plates. The pauldrons and tassets retain leather strips riveted inside the outer edge for securing the linings.
If you have any questions, please send them to Wade Allen
This site last updated Mon Dec 27 11:29:14 EST 2021